Workers Compensation Claims Management
Reduce costs, improve efficiencies and manage injuries and claims more effectively with specialised workers compensation management.
Improved Workers Compensation outcomes
Workers compensation premiums are a significant cost for many businesses. The complexity surrounding premiums, injury and claims management, and return to work programs often means it ends up costing many businesses more than it needs to – takes up valuable time and resources.
Benefits of outsourcing Workers Compensation and injury management
Our strategic approach and management has allowed our clients in a variety of different sectors to:
reduce premium costs
reduce the number of claims and their costs
improve return to work timeframes
streamline processes and increase efficiency
These results are achieved through:
Injury management, treatment management and return to work programs
Strategic Claims Management
Premium and Policy reviews and Premium Management
Self insurance assessment
While not suited to all businesses, self insurance allows some organisations to significantly reduce Workers Compensation costs and deliver better outcomes for their injured workers.
We can help you explore the potential to self insure and advise on your organisation's eligibility, the practicalities, challenges, likely costs and overall viability of self-insurance.
If self-insuring is in your organisation's best interests, we can then guide you through the transition process and help you prepare for the eligibility assessments. Once achieved, we also provide ongoing internal and external auditing.
A complete workers compensation and injury management solution.
Incident Management
Notification of authorities
Manage and advise
Injury Management
Early notification and intervention
Treatment plans
Return to Work
Claims Management
Claims registration and lodgement
Circumstantial investigation
Liability assessment
Stakeholder liaison
Timely and cost-effective outcomes
Improved Agent/Insurer performance and outcomes
Payment Management
Wage entitlements – PIAWE, CWE, Week Counter
Wage reimbursements
Medical and like expenses – employer and insurer liabilities
Policy and Premium Management
Policy structures
Workplace registrations and classifications
Remuneration and employment strategy
Estimate management and benchmarking
Acquisition / Divestment
Scenario modelling
Provider Management
Preferred providers – Treaters, OCC Rehab Providers, Investigators and Legal
Contracts, arrangements and service standards
Performance monitoring
Injury & Claims Management in Focus
In October 2023, we brought together a panel of injury and claims management experts from insurance, industry, consulting, and systems to share, discuss and explore what works, what doesn't and what's possible in the space.
Openly sharing their knowledge, expertise and experience, together, our panellists provided viewers with a deeper and broader understanding of what others are doing in the space and shared strategies, tools and processes to assist businesses to:
Work with the insurer to achieve better claims outcomes – for the worker and the business.
Improve claims performance and, in turn, lower premium costs.
Manage incidents effectively and systematically to optimise outcomes.
Implement successful return-to-work programs.
Actively prevent and reduce injuries through improved safety measures.
Drive continual improvement with software, systems, and technology.