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Driving the safety agenda of a large property developer and asset manager

The workplace health and safety requirements of building and construction companies and property asset managers are vast and complex, which is why Salta Properties partners with Risk Strategies.

Project safety management

For many years, Risk Strategies has assisted with and overseen the safety management of Salta’s many construction sites, performing several site inspections each and every month on behalf of Salta.

As the developer, Salta has a duty of care under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, even though the Principal Contractor is responsible for the safety of workers on each site.

To ensure they fulfil this duty of care, our consultants:
  • Assist with pre-qualification and selection of the Principal Contractor, ensuring their Safety Management Systems and risk control measures are appropriate and compliant.

  • Conduct regular site inspections and audits to ensure the Principal Contractor is managing safety on the site in line with their Safety Management System and legislative requirements.

Corporate safety agenda

As with many organisations, the introduction of industrial manslaughter legislation in Victoria in 2020 saw the Salta Board take a greater interest in Salta’s safety management measures and seek specialised, independent, external expertise.

As a long-term partner of the business, in late 2020, Risk Strategies were engaged to undertake an audit of Salta’s corporate Safety Management Systems. The audit resulted in several significant improvement opportunities being identified and prioritised by the Board, and an objective to become a leader in safety was set.

We have continued to partner with Salta to assist it in realising this objective, which to date has involved:

  • The creation of an OHS Steering Committee, comprised of senior management, members of the executive team and Risk Strategies consultants, that meets monthly to:

- Oversee and drive the safety agenda.
- Track and monitor progress.
- Review the organisation’s risk profile.
- Report to the Board.
  • Development of a Corporate Safety Program and Safety Management System with clear procedures and processes, staff training programs and regular performance reporting.

  • A second audit of Salta’s Safety Management Systems in 2023 that demonstrated significant progress and further improvement opportunities, including:

- The development and implementation of a psychological safety program.
- Integration of contractor management software for the Facilities Management department.

The value

Over the last three years, Salta has been able to embed a safety-first culture throughout the business. The focus has shifted from a culture of compliance to proactively leading the way in safety and prioritising the health and wellbeing of staff, contractors and the people who tenant and frequent the buildings they own and manage.


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